HypnoBirthing class October
Tue, 31 Oct
Are you dreaming of an empowering birth but don't know where to start? HypnoBirthing will help you prepare for your positive birth experience.

Time & Location
31 Oct 2023, 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Kensington, 38 Gatehouse Dr, Kensington VIC 3031, Australia
About the event
What is HypnoBirthing?
Do you believe that birth can be a calm, beautiful and empowering event? Most of all it can be a positive experience. Every woman knows instinctively how to birth and every baby knows how to be born.
But sometimes our lack of trust in our body, our fears and our conditioning about and even experiences of birth and the environment around us can get in the way of our positive birth.
HypnoBirthing® is a system of techniques and knowledge to empower you to take your birthing power back and to believe in your innate ability to birth. It is mindset training for birth. Participating in the program helps to de-hypnotise you from the general fear surrounding birth and the idea that birth is painful and scary. It helps you believe in a positive birth and It also enables you to have a comfortable birth in the most calm and natural way. HypnoBirthing can also help you have a healthier and more joyful pregnancy and postnatal period and allows you to decrease the fear-tension-pain syndrome which many women encounter during birth. This often leads to unwanted interventions but these can be avoided with the breathing techniques, positive affirmations, visualisation, massage and lots of relaxation technques that you will learn as part of the Hypnobirthing program.
The HypnoBirthing® program empowers you to to work with and release your fears about birth and the postnatal period enabling you to have a more joyful & empowering birth. This then allows you to listen to and connect with your body and baby better, allowing your body to open up to birthing and have a more comfortable, calm and safe birth. It is a matter of trust and belief in your body and your baby. The program also empowers your partner to be a great birthing partner, armed with many techniques to make your birthing more comfortable and allows you to establish a strong bond through this experience.
What is the format for the classes?
HypnoBirthing is a series of 5 classes of 2.5 hours each which aims to build up a set of skills which help couples to cope better during birth and have a better more comfortable birth.
The class syllabus for the 5 sessions
Session 1: Building A Positive Expectancy
Session 2: Falling in Love With Your Baby/Preparing Mind & Body
Session 3: Getting Ready to Welcome your Baby
Session 4: Overview of Childbirth—A Labour of Love
Session 5: Birthing—Breathing Love, Bringing Life
The classes will be held at MAMA, 38 Gatehouse drive, Kensington.
The dates of all 5 sessions (all of which must be attended) are October 17, 19, 24, 31 & November 9th 2023, 5.30 to 8pm. The course fees are $650 per couple which also includes the book and mp3 recordings. There is a deposit of $150 and the balance is to be paid prior to the start of the course.
Who is the instructor?
Jo has been teaching HypnoBirthing classes for 13 years. It all started with her own birthing of her daughter 14 years ago when she was amazed by how calm her birth was after having attended a HypnoBirthing course. She felt very empowered with the techniques and the information about how her body & baby work together and she feels it is her calling to pass this beautiful birth changing information on to all birthing people. HypnoBirthing has become a model for Jo's life as the skills which she learnt in the HypnoBirthing class have helped with birth, parenting and life in general.
What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event?
There is parking behind the venue or on-street parking in the vicinity. And the venue is wthin walking distance from South Kensington station.
What's the refund policy?
The deposit is non-refundable unless I have to cancel the course (which will only happen if there are not enough participants). Please email me to confirm everything is okay before paying the deposit.
How can I contact the organiser with any questions?
You can contact Jo at hello@soulmamabirth.com.au. or on 0457 698480
Find more information about HypnoBirthing at https://www.soulmamabirth.com.au/hypnobirthing